Fare Thee Well!
Photography: Andrejs Strokins
Ladozhskiy railway station
from 15 minutes
300 ₽
Are you ready to say goodbye to the past forever? The performance of the Dutch artist Dries Verhoeven allows us to relive the luminous sorrow for what St. Petersburg has lost. Views of the city will be framed by a special text: it will remind you of what you loved and hated in Petersburg but what will never come back again.
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The start of the show is at the beginning of every hour from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM
July 15
July 16
July 17
July 18
July 19
July 20
July 21
July 22
July 23
July 24
July 25
July 26
July 27
July 28
July 29
July 30
The project is supported by Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands St. Petersburg
Fare Thee Well is a line from the verses about the divorce of Lord Byron, an American romantic poet of the 19th century, who, in turn, quotes Shakespeare's "The Twelfth Night". The untranslatable phrase hides a hint of irreversible changes, in particular, in language. Fare Thee Well - farewell to everything that ruthlessly or fortunately leaves us due to the development of technology, changes in politics, society and other endless factors accompanying the passage of time. Dries Verhoeven creates an installation where the text that in another space is capable of becoming a slogan evokes a feeling of uminous sorrow.

The audience look at the panorama of the city through a telescope and read the words of farewell on a screen located so far that it is almost impossible to see it without the telescope. But the telescope turns the panorama upside down, and only flashing letters help the viewer to establish a connection with reality.

The performance includes facts relevant for St. Petersburg, catching the viewer for very personal psychological hooks that are important right here and now.

Dryz Verhoeven is a Dutch artist, author of performances and installations. His work confronts the audience with a completely new experience of participation and immersion in the art.
concept Dries Verhoeven
photography Colin Griffiths and Saris & den Engelsman
production Olga Godschalk

version Berlin (June 2012) co-commissioned by HAU Hebbel am Ufer

How to get there?
Ladozhskiy railway station
Metro station
Walk from the metro
5 minutes